
“Most guys don’t need an expert coach to tell them what to do. They simply need to do the things they know they should be doing.”     – Don Hickman

There are two aspects to improving in any area of life:

  1. Having the knowledge of how to improve. In other words, “you must know what to do.”
  2. Taking action on that knowledge of how to improve. In other words, “you must put what you know into action.”

Many men get stuck perpetually on step 1. And it’s not because the steps are confusing; it’s because they are subconsciously PUTTING OFF taking the action. Most likely because that’s the part that’s “work” and can be measured in terms of success and failure. That’s where accountability coaching comes into play. With accountability coaching, we go thru the following steps:

  1. What needs to be improved?
  2. Do we know HOW to improve it? If not, we figure out how to improve it.
  3. Then we figure out how we’re going to take action in order to improve. This is generally small daily goals that will get the desired result.
  4. We communicate each morning what actions we will take that day.
  5. We check-in each evening to state whether we did the action or not. If so, great. If not, we figure out why not.
  6. We repeat this process daily until stacking small wins daily becomes a habit.

Why does accountability coaching work?

When you go-it-alone there’s no repercussions if you don’t do what you say you’re going to do. When you’ve got someone that you’re accountable to, you have someone to call out your bullshit excuses. You have someone to tell you bluntly that you failed to make time to do whatever it is you needed to do. That truth is powerful. And when you get a group together all participating in accountability, that power is amplified.

But it doesn’t end with calling out your excuses. With accountability coaching we dive into the real “why” that you’re not doing what you know you should be doing. Are you subconsciously avoiding it? Are you not setting boundaries with those around you? Do you have trouble focusing? We will get to the root of the problem and attack it there.

Within the Accountability Group we start each day with intention. It’s easy to just coast through life doing only what truly needs to done to keep things from falling apart. But how do you get ahead? How do you start building dreams and healthy habits? You have to be intentional about it. No one’s going to hand it to you. Keeping a list in your head about the things that need to be done is what most people do, and it’s why most people fail. It’s too easy to get distracted by life and have all those “want-to-do” thoughts and ideas get placed on the back burner. We write down our goals and tasks daily which keeps them at the forefront of our minds. We communicate these tasks and goals daily to others and we pledge to move the needle forward on these. The truth is that men thrive in an environment where other men are moving forward. It’s hardwired in us. If you’ve ever struggled to make progress on a goal and have never had the experience of moving forward with a group of other men; it’s time to give it a try.

What's the next step? How does it work?

Step 1 is to commit to one month of accountability. The group runs on a one-month basis and essentially starts fresh on the 1st of every month. So you’ll need to decide to commit and decide what month you’re going to start. Preferably the start of next month because if you’ve identified an area that you want to improve, why on earth would you put it off? The products below will start on the 1st day of the next month and run thru the last day of that month. Some people can make drastic changes in one month. For others it will take several months. For others, they may find that they operate better with permanent accountability. If you find you want/need multiple months you will have to manually renew every month. It may be inconvenient, but accountability works better when you know you have something at stake. You will need to make the conscious decision each month to part with your funds in exchange for accountability and improving your life in some way. When auto-renewal happens or purchasing quarterly/annual packages happens, the mental action of parting with your funds wears off and stagnation becomes not just possible, but likely. You’re signing up to this group to do some form of work and improve, not stagnate. Choosing to renew each month becomes a conscious choice where you must weigh the value and results you’re getting and the cost to renew. If you’re not here to work and move forward, you don’t need to be in this group and you should not part with your funds to do so. 

Step 2 is to decide whether you want daily accountability or weekly accountability. This boils down to what you’re trying to do. If you’re trying to build or break habits, shift your mindset, reprogram your behavior, build muscle or lose fat; daily accountability is the best option for this. These are things that need to intentionally be done every day or progress will not happen. If you’re trying to move your business forward, launch a side project, change careers, or just want to be part of a community of men that is always moving forward, then this is the right option. This option assumes you’re already operating on an ideal basis in everyday life, you just need some accountability on moving some project(s) forward. 

If this is your first experience with accountability it is highly recommended that you begin with daily accountability. You can always move to the cheaper option of weekly accountability in your second month if you’re doing well on the daily option. But everyone should experience the power of daily accountability just to know how effective of a tool it can be. What’s the difference between daily and weekly accountability packages?