
The Empty Vessels

If you’ve ever ventured out into the world you’ve likely noticed that the world is full of empty vessels. What are empty vessels? Empty Vessels are people who physically exist, but they have nothing going on. They’re empty. They have no interesting thoughts, no interesting conversation, aren’t striving for anything, don’t stand for anything, they …

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Do Hard Shit

You ever meet that dude who is timid, shy, weak, walks with his eyes down, shoulders slouched in? Maybe has an opinion but is too scared to say it because someone might criticize it? Afraid to approach people, not confident enough to try new things, avoids confrontation at all costs? Maybe you know a person …

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Intentional Parenting

Intentional parenting is a concept that gets overlooked today. It is exactly what it sounds like; “parenting with intent.” Many parents are just “making it through the day” with their children rather than taking each day as an opportunity to be building their character and teaching them life lessons. Why are parents just “making it …

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The Fine Line of Selfishness

I’m selfish. I admit it. Most people label “selfish” as a negative trait. It can be; but when used correctly it can actually lead to more happiness for everyone. It’s a fine line really. Too much selfishness results in negativity from other people’s perspective. Too little and it results in negativity from your perspective. My …

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You Are What You Tolerate

The world is changing. Morals are decaying, men are getting softer, children are growing more entitled, sexuality and gender is…confused, surveillance is increasing, consumption is ever-growing, individual freedoms are dying. The list goes on but you get the idea. This message is designed to make you aware that you are what you tolerate. You may …

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The New 1%

Most of us have heard of the one percent. The one percent of people that is rich, powerful, influential, and perhaps famous. While that group still exists, there is a new group of one percenters. This group is made up of people who take care of themselves physically, mentally, financially, spiritually, and are able to …

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Declutter your life

Life gets complicated. Over time material stuff gathers, new relationships are made, new directions and demands are introduced, and the mind has to keep up with it all. It can be exhausting. The wild thing is that you never actually feel it getting more complicated or exhausting. One day you just realize that your mind …

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Carrying a Firearm

I carry a firearm regularly. If I leave the house my firearm is with me. It’s as normal as grabbing my keys, phone, and wallet. I also carry a locking knife and two spare magazines. Why do I carry? I carry based on the possibility, not probability, that something can happen. Let’s break that down …

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No One is Coming to Save You

Unhappiness is everywhere. Some are unhappy with their appearance, others with their financial situation. Other areas of unhappiness can include material possessions, personality, sense of humor, outlook on life, state of mind, sexuality, intelligence, discipline, the list goes on. A lot of people are wishing they had the qualities of someone else. Well here’s the …

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