No One is Coming to Save You

Unhappiness is everywhere. Some are unhappy with their appearance, others with their financial situation. Other areas of unhappiness can include material possessions, personality, sense of humor, outlook on life, state of mind, sexuality, intelligence, discipline, the list goes on. A lot of people are wishing they had the qualities of someone else. Well here’s the truth – no one is coming to save you.

No one is going to fix your situation for you. Only you can make the conscious decision to step out of your comfort zone and fix whatever it is you need fixed. Now, there are people out there that can help you on your journey. However, it’s up to you to reach out to them and declare your goals and objectives. And beware, if you reach out to someone you better damn well heed their advice and put their words into practice. Because if you reach out to someone for help and they offer their help, and you don’t put the plan into action, that will be the last time they help. But back to the point of no one coming to save you…

No one can know your internal struggles. No one can know when you’re ready to say “enough is enough” and start putting in work. Therefore, no one is coming to fix it for you. You look at other people and want what they have. Maybe someone is more attractive than you, has more money, has more friends, is more liked. The harsh reality is that life isn’t fair. Some people have been born with certain genetic attributes like attractiveness, sense of humor, friendliness, slyness. Question is – is their attractiveness stopping you from being attractive? No. Is their sense of humor preventing you from developing a similar sense of humor? No. Is their financial situation preventing you from fixing your financial situation? No. Generally the only thing standing in your way is you. No one is stopping you from making positive changes in your life but you.

It’s easy to shift blame to others and not take responsibility for your current situation. You may blame your Dad for not being around, or not teaching you things, or blame your siblings for giving you confidence complex, or blame your Mom for not guiding you appropriately. Sure that may have had a hand in where you are but only you can change where you’re going. Blaming others is not going to fix your current situation. You can only control what you can control. It’s time to take responsibility and control your situation going forward.

Now for a little bit of good news – whatever you’re struggling with, whatever you want to change, it can be fixed. Whether it’s fat to be lost, money to be made, confidence to be built, relationships to develop, it can all be fixed. Once you recognize that you are your only obstacle you will realize it’s time to stop wishing and start working. There are different plans of action for every area you could possibly wish to develop and we won’t get into that here; for now just know that the problem is not everyone else, the problem is you, and the problem can be fixed.

No one is coming to save you, fix yourself.